A delicious steak with the perfect combination of flavour and tenderness, lots of marbling to make it extra juicy, we recommend a hot griddle or frying pan and a medium or rare cooking time, these could also be grilled. Rest after cooking to allow the meat to relax, if you can wait that long!
Available as steaks or as a boned and rolled joint.
£28 per kg for steaks, £27 per kg rolled. Available in 250g increments
All of our beef is from our own farm, traditionally reared and grass fed on the lush West Cornwall grass of the Lamorna Valley. Our beef is well hung, then butchered by our traditional butcher on site at the farm shop. If you would like any advice on any aspect of the meat, from farm to fork, please call to speak to a member of staff, you may even be able to speak to Richard-the farmer.